This privacy statement was last updated on and applies to citizens and legal permanent residents of the European Economic Area and Switzerland.
In dieser Datenschutzerklärung erläutern wir, was wir mit den Daten tun, die wir über Sie erhalten über empfehlen Ihnen, diese Erklärung sorgfältig zu lesen. Bei unserer Verarbeitung halten wir uns an die Anforderungen der Datenschutzgesetze. Dies bedeutet unter anderem, dass:
- Wir geben klar an, zu welchen Zwecken wir personenbezogene Daten verarbeiten. Dies geschieht mithilfe dieser Datenschutzerklärung.
- Wir sind bestrebt, die Erhebung personenbezogener Daten auf die für legitime Zwecke erforderlichen personenbezogenen Daten zu beschränken.
- In Fällen, in denen Ihre Zustimmung erforderlich ist, holen wir zunächst Ihre ausdrückliche Zustimmung zur Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten ein.
- Wir ergreifen angemessene Sicherheitsmaßnahmen, um Ihre personenbezogenen Daten zu schützen und verlangen dies auch von Parteien, die personenbezogene Daten in unserem Auftrag verarbeiten.
- Wir respektieren Ihr Recht, auf Ihre personenbezogenen Daten zuzugreifen und diese auf Ihren Wunsch hin korrigieren oder löschen zu lassen.
Wenn du Fragen hast oder wissen möchtest, welche persönlichen Daten wir über dich speichern, kontaktiere uns bitte.
1. Purpose, data and retention period
We may collect or receive personal information for a number of purposes connected with our business operations which may include the following: (click to expand)1.1 To sell or share data with a third party
1.1 To sell or share data with a third party
For this purpose we use the following data:
- IP Address
- Geolocation data
The basis on which we may process these data is:
Upon the provision of consent.
Retention period
We retain this data until the service is terminated.
1.2 To support services or products that a customer wants to buy or has purchased
1.2 To support services or products that a customer wants to buy or has purchased
For this purpose we use the following data:
- A first and last name
- An email address
- A telephone number
- A home or other physical address, including street name and name of a city or town
- IP Address
- Date of birth
- Driver's license
- A signature
The basis on which we may process these data is:
Upon the provision of consent.
Retention period
Upon termination of the service we retain this data for the following period: 10 years.
1.3 Contact - Through phone, mail, email and/or webforms
1.3 Contact - Through phone, mail, email and/or webforms
For this purpose we use the following data:
- A first and last name
- An email address
- IP Address
The basis on which we may process these data is:
Upon the provision of consent.
Retention period
Upon termination of the service we retain this data for the following period: 10 years.
1.4 Payments
1.4 Payments
For this purpose we use the following data:
- A first and last name
The basis on which we may process these data is:
Upon the provision of consent.
Retention period
Upon termination of the service we retain this data for the following period: 10 years.
1.5 Compiling and analyzing statistics for website improvement.
1.5 Compiling and analyzing statistics for website improvement.
For this purpose we use the following data:
- IP Address
- Geolocation data
The basis on which we may process these data is:
Upon the provision of consent.
Retention period
Upon termination of the service we retain this data for the following period: 10 years.
2. Weitergabe an Dritte
We only share this data with processors and with other third parties for which consent must be obtained.
3. Verwendung von Cookies
Our website uses cookies. For more information about cookies, please refer to our Cookie Policy.
4. Disclosure practices
We disclose personal information if we are required by law or by a court order, in response to a law enforcement agency, to the extent permitted under other provisions of law, to provide information, or for an investigation on a matter related to public safety.
If our website or organisation is taken over, sold, or involved in a merger or acquisition, your details may be disclosed to our advisers and any prospective purchasers and will be passed on to the new owners.
We have concluded a data Processing Agreement with Google.
5. Security
Wir sind der Sicherheit persönlicher Daten verpflichtet. Wir ergreifen angemessene Sicherheitsmaßnahmen um Missbrauch und unberechtigten Zugriff auf persönliche Daten zu begrenzen. Dies stellt sicher, dass nur notwendige Personen Zugriff auf Ihre Daten erhalten, dieser Zugriff geschützt ist und dass unsere Sicherheitsmaßnahmen regelmäßig überprüft werden.
Die von uns verwendeten Sicherheitsmaßnahmen bestehen aus:
- (START)TLS / SSL / DANE Encryption
6. Third-party websites
Diese Datenschutzerklärung gilt nicht für Websites von Drittanbietern, die über Links auf unserer Website verbunden sind. Wir können nicht garantieren, dass diese Drittanbieter Ihre persönlichen Daten zuverlässig oder sicher behandeln. Wir empfehlen Ihnen, die Datenschutzerklärungen dieser Websites zu lesen, bevor Sie diese Websites nutzen.
7. Amendments to this privacy statement
Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, Änderungen an dieser Datenschutzerklärung vorzunehmen. Es wird empfohlen, diese Datenschutzerklärung regelmäßig zu lesen, um über etwaige Änderungen informiert zu sein. Darüber hinaus informieren wir Sie, wo immer möglich, aktiv.
8. Accessing and modifying your data
If you have any questions or want to know which personal data we have about you, please contact us. You can contact us by using the information below. You have the following rights:
- You have the right to know why your personal data is needed, what will happen to it, and how long it will be retained for.
- Right of access: You have the right to access your personal data that is known to us.
- Right to rectification: you have the right to supplement, correct, have deleted or blocked your personal data whenever you wish.
- If you give us your consent to process your data, you have the right to revoke that consent and to have your personal data deleted.
- Right to transfer your data: you have the right to request all your personal data from the controller and transfer it in its entirety to another controller.
- Right to object: you may object to the processing of your data. We comply with this, unless there are justified grounds for processing.
Please make sure to always clearly state who you are, so that we can be certain that we do not modify or delete any data of the wrong person.
9. Submitting a complaint
If you are not satisfied with the way in which we handle (a complaint about) the processing of your personal data, you have the right to submit a complaint to the Data Protection Authority.
10. Contact details
Benzini Campers AS
Kilgata 17, 3217 Sandefjord